Day 12 of Pinterest ~ Dreamy Photos

Welcome to Day 12 of



Today I’m going to share some adorable and dreamy photographs (images) that I would love to have taken myself or try to recreate someday.


Last week, my bloggin’ buddy Jan (from The Diamond E) joined me in Arlington for an evening class covering the basics of Photoshop. Now, let me just tell you that my brain still feels like mashed potatoes!!!! Good thing I took lots of notes because I’m not sure I could enhance an image on the photo-editing software right now if my life depended on it. Needless to say, I really enjoyed meeting Jan and learning some tricks and techniques for improving my photos. I have a LONG way to go, hopefully for the better. Lucky for me, Pinterest has LOTS of photography ideas and Photoshop tutorials directly linked to the “pins” you see on my board and many others.

Have I mentioned lately how much I’m in love with Pinterest?!



Jan ~ at The Diamond E ~ recently took pictures for a growing family and I am absolutely in LOVE with the photograph below. I think it’s a great way to show “Baby #2” before he/she arrives. OK fine …… I love any photo with a sharp-dressed man. FINE. There, I said it!!!!!!



I love these photos too!



Happy Pinning, Y’all!!!!!



Day 7 of Pinterest ~ DIY Craft Projects

It’s day 7 of



There are three DIY projects that have inspired me to the n-th degree and I’m convinced that I have enough common sense, natural ability, and non-artistic talent to accomplish them. That makes no sense whatsoever, but I’m determined to make something “crafty” I’ve seen on Pinterest!!!!!!!! 

Seriously, how hard would it be to cover canvas with burlap, use a sponge brush, or wrap yarn around a bottle?


Painted Wall Art for Non-Artists


This is pretty much the coolest non-artist, artsy-fartsy project I’ve ever seen. Similar prints at Pier 1 and World Market are expensive, but this is economical and simple. YEAH! The supply list includes a piece of stretched canvas, paint, and set of round stamp brushes ~ all items I can purchase at Michael’s, Hobby Lobby, etc. I can draw crooked, squiggly lines and “dab” here, there, and everywhere. I think this is something I can definitely accomplish!!!!


Painted Burlap Monogram Letters


I’m in a monogram mood …. have been for months. It’s personal, charming, and oh-so-Southern. I have several things with my monogram (initials) including a bag, drinking cup, and bracelet. I also have “our” monogram on a wood block, custom made by The Wood Shop in Kentucky, that I will most likely hang either in our bedroom or entryway. Anyway, I love these burlap letters displayed on a mantel. I like to decorate our mantel during holidays and various seasons, but monograms are suited for any occasion, which makes my life easy and my bank account happy.


Yarn-Wrapped Bottles


Along with the non-artist, artsy-fartsy artwork above, I think a set of these yarn-covered bottles would look DEEEE-VINE on the dining room table. I just had an ah-ha moment. Seriously! I will hang the non-art artwork on the wall adjacent to the china cabinet and wrap earth-tone colored yarn on repurposed wine bottles to display either on the dining table or buffet. I don’t drink beer, but the wine bottles would be better for the “scale” of the dining room and kitchen area. I really like the jewel (earth) tones of the bottles and “dots” in the artwork; these colors would go well in our dining room and compliment the dark wood furniture and slate tile floors.


I’m feeling very HGTV-isc. Are you inspired to create something? Please share your ideas … “pin” it!!!!!

Empress Smart-as-a-Whip!!!!!!

Say what?!

That was my nickname at tonight’s “Cocktails & Create” held at The Art Barn Studio!

This place is fantastic and tons of fun. Don’t worry, you don’t have to be Picasso Jr. to create custom, colorful, and creative keepsakes. Tonight was the third time I painted a piece of pottery at The Art Barn. I’m enjoying it more ~ and building my confidence! ~ with each visit.


Photo courtesy of

Hilary, the owner, and her staff (Lindsey, Adriene, and Katie) make sure each visitor has an enjoyable experience. They offer great suggestions and helpful techniques for a variety of projects, including paint-your-own pottery, barn art, mosiacs, and even wearable art (clothing and jewelry). They also have silver jewelry-making and their adding canvas projects to their “menu” of options. There is a wide array of items to suit your fancy!

The Art Barn Studio has also recently expanded its facility. There is lots of room for birthday parties, bridal showers, art classes, and school field trips. This place has it all, you really got to visit this place and get your ART on!!!!!!


Photo courtesy of

Once a month, The Art Barn hosts a ladies night called Cocktails & Create. I’ve been saying for months that I wanted to participate, but something always came up or I was out of town on event night. Well, I ran out of excuses or prior engagements (or both!) because tonight I had the privilege and honor to be with four lovely (and very artistic!) ladies from church. We had a blast creating our masterpieces.


Lil’ Dulce painted an owl, her school’s mascot! Her nickname was Princess Loud Mouth ~ hmmm!!!!


Mama Debra painted an inspirational plate for her classroom, she wrote “Believe” in the center. Her nickname for the evening was Queen Sings-in-the-Shower!!!!!



Jenny made a glass tile mosiac on a peace sign. Her nickname for the evening was Princess Shopaholic!


I must’ve drank too much sweet tea because I decided that painting a large platter with an intricate monogram and border within a limited time frame was a good idea. Perhaps my nickname should have been Table Idiot!!!!!!!


I’m still a-paintin’!!!!!!!


Four HOURS later………my pottery creation is complete!

I’m really pleased with the platter and I’m excited to see the final product. One must wait at least a week for their painted pottery to be “fired” in a kiln…..afterwards though, it’s all pretty and shiny and glossy. It’s gaw-geous dawlin’!!!!!!!



Mama Dulce showed off her uber-artistic abilities by painting this beautiful floral motif on a large round plate. This woman is talented!


She’s also lucky….as she won a doorprize. You would’ve thought she had won the lottery, but it was a miniature disco ball. YEAH BABY!!!!!!

Good times tonight, I can’t wait to see all of our finished products for a big reveal post. Stay tuned!


In the meantime, only 24 HOURS REMAIN until the “big kahuna” Celebration Giveaway ends. If you have not entered, you must visit this POST and add a comment with your name and email address. There are lots of great prizes included in this collection, you don’t want to miss out!!!!!!


Peace, love, and pottery,