Looking for Love

I did something this week with the best of intentions and genuine hopefulness that something good will come of it.

I helped my brother-in-law, Chad, create an eHarmony account.

It was quite the interesting …. entertaining, humorous, enlightening, and fun …. experience. I walked Chad through the VERY comprehensive profile questionnaire and talked to him via speakerphone while I used my laptop to record his responses. He read the questions and followed along on a desktop computer. It was fun to listen as he read the questions and thought through his responses. He was very thorough and honest.

After all was checked and described, Chad had a great profile. His selections match his personality perfectly. He’s a dependable, mature, loving guy looking for similar qualities in a woman. While this is a very serious ordeal to Chad, we shared some belly laughs when we reached the less-than-serious subjects such as physical activity, hobbies, and favorite food. Chad was disappointed when “meat and tators” wasn’t a food option!!!!

Chad’s smile is contagious.

Now, there are a few things I want to share about my brother-in-law that is difficult to understand from an online profile page:

  • Chad’s a simple guy. No baggage, no drama and definitely low maintenance.
  • Chad is a hard worker, extremely loyal, very kind, and humble ….. some of the most notable traits of the Hutchison bunch.
  • Every Saturday morning, you’ll find Chad at the livestock auction. He has a small herd of cattle. Actually, he has a bull, several heifers, and some calves. Two of those calves will be in the freezer soon. (Yum!)
  • Chad’s laugh is contagious ….. and it makes others laugh.
  • Chad has a heart of gold.

What else can I say?

Here’s a really great guy ready to commit to a relationship filled with love, compassion, kindness, and lots of laughter. If some Fluzie plays games and breaks my brother-in-law’s heart, I’m gonna be pissed off.

Talk about an act of love for his “yankee” sister-in-law …… after Husband and I were married, Chad wore a “Kentucky” hat at the reception!!!

I’m really fortunate and I realize my abundant blessings in faith and family. I’m optimistic for Chad. If I didn’t love him, I wouldn’t have encouraged, or assisted with, this bold step in his personal life. I really ~ REALLY ~ want this to work. I can say with confidence that he’s a great catch. He will take care of the woman who looks beyond the superficial and recognizes that which is most important.

Update ……….. Chad called earlier to tell us his profile has been viewed by several ladies and some of them have requested to communicate.



  1. I hope all goes well, and Chad finds a good match for himself.
    It must be kind of scary though, meeting people online, and then meeting them in person, huh? Takes guts! And optimism, I suppose…

    • I’m an optimistic girl ……… as I should be. Husband and I met online almost 10 years ago. We’ll celebrate anniversary #5 next March. Guess you could say we’re a success story!!!!!

  2. Yeah!! He deserves it so!! Only u could pull this off Nicole!! Way to go!!

  3. I love you so much for doing this for Chad. He would not have taken this step without your love and support. Good thoughts going up.

    • ohhhh my, you’re so sweet and kind …… all I did was create an email for “Sookie” and walk him through the setup process!!! I’m hoping for good things, maybe Santa will bring somebody special. Love y’all!

  4. Good on ya for helping Chad do his profile and get it up on eHarmony, Nicole!
    He sounds like a great guy and a good catch for the right person – are you vetting them first? Just joking! Seriously though, I think you would probably be a good judge of the right woman for him.
    I hope he doesn’t get messed around by some fluzie though – otherwise they will have you to deal with!
    I wish him all the luck in the world and you must keep us posted on the happenings!

    • Thanks, Barb! Chad IS a great guy and needs to find the right person. I’m sure she’s out there. Somewhere. Someplace.
      I’ll definitely keep you posted as I gather “reports” from Chad. 🙂

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