WAITING (weekly photo challenge)

Happy Friday!!!!!

It’s been a while since I’ve participated in The Daily Post’s Weekly Photo Challenge. I apologize for my absence and hope everyone in the WordPress world (and beyond) will forgive me.

This week’s topic is waiting.

We're WAITING for our driver to arrive!!!!!

Say hello to the pooches of Doggy Playland at my parent’s house ……. from left to right: Case (named after Case International tractors!), Tess, and Ben. They’re WAITING for whomever has the keys to the Kawasaki Mule. When it cranks, their tails are attached to the seat.

If you were wondering: YES it is a very tight squeeze for anyone willing to ride/drive with these three pooches. I keep trying to convince my parents they need an ATV with at least two seats, possible three, so more humans (than dogs!) can ride!!!!

Case is owned by K but prefers playing (and sleeping and eating) at Doggy Playland. She prefers the luxe-life of Doggy Playland over the tideous labor at the farm. I don’t blame her! Most everybody says she’s ugly … I think she’s the cutest smooshed face ever. Tess is the Queen of the Castle. Seriously, she rules the roost and everybody (human and animal) knows it. Ben was rescued several years ago when Dad got a call from the County Dog Warden saying he had an owner/hunter who didn’t want the hassle of a “gun shy” dog. Dad was the proud owner of Ben less than an hour later.

If you have a photo that’s WAITING ….. upload it and participate.

Happy Weekend – I’m looking forward to book club tomorrow and spending the rest of the weekend inside staying warm. There’s a “wintry mix” headed to North Texas …… we’ll see what that really means. HA!



  1. LoL – very funny 🙂

  2. cute

  3. Ahahah!
    Good picture… Really funny!
    Animals always have unexpected behavior 🙂

  4. That’s a cool capture 🙂

  5. LOL, Love that picture.

  6. nice entry. thanks for sharing

  7. I so want to go cruising with these guys. Open road; top down; tunes blasting from the radio; wind in my hair (their fur); life is good!

    • All you need is the keys, my friend!!! When that Mule cranks (and their furry butts aren’t already on it), it’s a mad dash to see who gets the best seat. It doesn’t have a radio though, but that’s a wonderful idea for the suggestion box …. right up there with add another seat for more butts!!!

      Thanks for visiting my blog too, I really appreciate it! 🙂

  8. ha! adorable!!

  9. Funny. I like that your introduction to them. Hehe. Cool!

  10. no more space / seat for humans …

    • Exactly, Frizz!!! That’s why I keep trying to tell my parents they need a bigger vehicle! Even though the ATV has a bed on it, none of the dogs will ride back there …… they want to ride shotgun!!!

  11. AH these dogs are absolutely adorable. I love how they are all different breeds. Totally cool photo.

    • Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting! Growing up with dogs and cats, I’ve always considered our animals as family rather than pets. They’re beyond spoiled (so am I…hehe) and loved unconditionally. One of my favorite moments when returning home to KY is to see all the four-legged animals either meet me at the car or greet me at the door inside the house. There’s nothing better than the love of a pet, I swear!

  12. Well, they are part of the family after all – waiting for their ride, just like kids!
    I love their faces – just look at the three of them, rarin’ to go!

    • Exactly, Barb!!!! These three are a hoot. I absolutely believe animals have personality ….. and these three have some! I miss them bunches but it’s always good to see them when I visit Kentucky. 🙂

  13. Great entry! Love the waiting pooches.

  14. Great Fun Shot 🙂

  15. funny!


  1. […] WAITING (weekly photo challenge) (mrshutchison.wordpress.com) […]

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