YOUR Abundant Generosity

Over the weekend, I posted this tribute for World Food Day. I promised to donate one canned item to the Helping Hands Food Pantry at my church for every comment posted. Well, I did that. Plus a little extra. OK, a lot extra. But it’s all for a good cause!

After leaving the dentist’s office this morning, I went to a local grocery and picked up a few things:

  • canned fruit and vegetables
  • vegetable soup (thanks Em!)
  • Chef Boyardi Beef Raviolo (thanks Lisa!)
  • peanut butter
  • macaroni-and-cheese
  • spaghetti and meat sauce
  • plus LOTS more!!!

Then loaded the “bounty” into the trunk of my car.


Everybody says thanks!

Actually, the staff at FUMC Joshua are grateful for this donation. As you can in this photo, the shelves inside the food pantry are pretty bare. The need is greater than ever. In fact, multiple families are moving in together to share expenses during this difficult economy. Feeding a large family, I’m sure, is a difficult task ….. but YOUR support helps this cause. For that, thank you. I appreciate your abundant generosity, more than words could ever express, and I know the families that the Helping Hands Food Pantry support appreciate it even more.

 YOU can make a difference … afterall, you already have.


A total of 152 items were donated to the Helping Hands Food Pantry in honor of 27 & Counting blog readers.

Thank you.