A Thanksgiving Tale of the Family Photo

Happy December to you, glad you’re here!

I realize Christmas is just around the corner (PLENTY of posts on that subject forth-coming…..just you wait) but I have a bit of serious business to discuss today.

Here’s my mom’s family at our annual Thanksgiving gathering in Louisville, KY

Awww, there we all are. Our bright and shining smiles. My very neon pink sweater (yeah, that’s festive and says fall).

Looking at this makes me want to bust a gut. We should award ourselves with an EPIC FAILURE for our outfit coordination.

Or consider this: no one is looking at the SAME camera. That’s not any particular individual’s fault, we only had seven other people lined up on the opposite wall yelling instructions, “Smile!” “Scoot in closer!” “I can’t see Kevin!” Noah, stop giving your father bunny ears!” “Look at me!”

To make things easy for you, let me introduce everybody. I love the expression on Greg’s (that would be my dad) face. He’s not keen on big family gatherings with photo ops. Greg (Dad) was there only because Husband (Kevin) went.

Greg and Kevin have a Man Pact: if one gets out of going to a family event, they both get out. If one has to suffer, they both must suffer. (sigh)

The last time this clan group was together was March 31, 2007 – my wedding day! We’re all so purdy!!!!!

I couldn’t help myself ……. I had to add a bit of commentary to this photo. It was just too ridiculous not to add more pizazzzz. Don’t you think?

For the next family photo op, I suggest everybody wear the same holiday motif sweater. What do you think????

Now that the 30 Day Pinterest Challenge has ended, I’m looking forward to posting regular content and I have a few surprises up my sleeve. All I’m going to say is this is the Season of Giving. That’s all. Carry on.

Happy Thursday!!!!!


  1. Hey in their defense no one said anything about coordinating outfits lol

  2. Nicole that was thoroughly enjoyable! What a great chance to get photos of the whole family! I am so bummed that I had to miss Thanksgiving with you all this year since Kevin and your dad were both there (love the man pact thing). Keep this up; great fun! Can’t wait to see what you have up your sleeve for Christmas!

    Cathy P

    • CATHY!!!!! So good to hear from you, thanks for visiting my blog. Thanksgiving was wonderful, I’m sorry we missed you though. 😦
      Have a wonderful Christmas with your family …… I doubt I’ll make it back up to KY until Feb or March (I am starting a long-term sub assignment tomorrow for a teacher out on maternity leave, 6th grade social studies: FUN!!!!)

      Love ya! Miss ya!

  3. Amy (Jordan) Guard says:

    Hey- I lived at the McDaniel house for so many years (& ate most of their food….), that I should have been in the picture too! I loved seeing everybody again & I think you have a new career, Nicole!

  4. Great pics Nicole – now we can put a face to the name when you mention them!

  5. Your family picture is hilarious! Y’all are a good looking family, though. 🙂

  6. Nicole, I love the pics and the commentary.. Now I can put a name to the faces..Your Dad cracks me up… someone should have paid him to smile just a little, lol… but I think the pictures came out great.. good work, ‘Hostess with the Mostess’…

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